@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000574, author = {百田 , 貴洋 and MOMOTA, Takahiro and 加賀谷 , 斉 and KAGAYA, Hitoshi and 伊藤 , 慎英 and ITO, Norihide and 酒野 , 直樹 and SAKANO, Naoki}, journal = {植草学園大学紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Science, Uekusa-Gakuen University 14}, month = {Mar}, note = {近年, 摂食嚥下に対する機能的電気刺激が用いられている。生体を電気刺激する場合には, 最も大きな筋収縮が得られる運動点を刺激することが重要である。運動点は解剖学的には運動神経が筋膜を貫通する部位で舌骨・喉頭挙上筋の運動点はすでに確認されている。しかし, 表面電極を用いて電気刺激を行う場合, 通常は運動点を挟んで電極を設置する双電極法を用いるが, 喉頭挙上筋が存在する頸部は弧を描いているため, 運動点を最も有効に刺激が可能である表面電極設置部位は明らかでない。そこで本研究ではX線透視下で電気刺激時の舌骨の運動を計測し, 表面電極の最適設置部位を検討した。今回の結果から, 舌骨上端より上 方1~2cm舌骨正中より側方2cmに表面電極を設置したときに電気刺激による舌骨の総移動距離と水平方 向の移動距離が大きくなることが明らかとなった。, In recent years, functional electrical stimulation has been used for swallowing. When electrically stimulating a living organism, it is important to stimulate the exercise point where the largest muscle contraction is obtained. The motor point is anatomically the site where the motor nerve penetrates the fascia, and the motor point of the hyoid bone and laryngeal elevation muscle has already been confirmed. However, when electrical stimulation is performed using surface electrodes, and the dual electrode method is usually used in which the electrodes are placed across the movement point, it is not clear where the surface electrodes are most effectively stimulated. Therefore, movement of the hyoid bone during electrical stimulation was measured under fluoroscopy, and the optimal placement site for surface electrodes was examined in this study. From the results, it was determined that the total movement distance of the hyoid bone and horizontal movement distance due to electrical stimulation increase when the surface electrode is placed 1 to 2 cm above the upper end and 2 cm laterally from the center of the hyoid bone.}, pages = {77--81}, title = {舌骨上筋群刺激のための表面電極設置部位の検討}, volume = {14}, year = {2022} }