@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000456, author = {松本, 敏治 and MATSUMOTO, Toshiharu and 菊地, 一文 and KIKUCHI, Kazufumi}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Science, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {松本・崎原・菊地・佐藤(2014)は,「自閉症は方言を話さない」とする印象が全国で普遍的であることを報告している。しかしながら,共通語を使用してきた ASD が学齢期あるいは青年期において方言を使用するようになる事例が存在するとの報告が教員・保護者からあった。該当する 5 事例について,方言使用開始時期および対人的認知スキルに関する 55 項目についての質問紙を実施した。方言使用開始時期は,7 歳, 9 歳,16 歳,16 歳,18 歳で事例によって差がみられた。獲得されているとされた対人的認知スキルのうち,方言使用開始前後の時期に獲得されたとする項目数の割合は,26%〜 97%であった。また,それ以前に獲得されていた項目数と方言使用開始時期に獲得された項目数の割合を領域別で求めたところ,意図理解および会話の領域での伸びが顕著であった。これらの結果にもとづいて,ASD の方言使用と対人認知の関連について議論した。, Matsumoto, Sakihara, Kikuchi, et al. (2014) stated that although it has been reported that it is generally accepted in Japan that people with autism do not speak in the various regional dialects, there have also been accounts by educators and guardians that contradict that perception. They tell of the existence of cases in which children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who had already been communicating using the standard Japanese language, began to use a local dialect after reaching elementary school age or adolescence. Five such cases were investigated using a questionnaire regarding the timing of the acquisition of usage of a local dialect, as well as 55 items regarding interpersonal cognitive skills. Differences were seen in the ages at which the subjects initially began using dialectal language, with one each doing so at ages 7, 9, and 18, and the remaining two at age 16. Of the total interpersonal cognitive skills that were reported to have been acquired by each subject, the percentage in which the acquisitions had occurred around the same period as the commencement of dialect usage ranged from 26 - 97%. In addition, when considering the types of skills that had already been acquired before initial usage of dialects, and those acquired concurrently with initial dialect usage, remarkable growth was seen in the areas of comprehension of intent and of conversational ability. Based on these results, the current paper discusses the relationship between usage of local dialects and interpersonal cognition in people with ASD.}, pages = {5--15}, title = {自閉症の方言使用に関する事例的検討 : 学齢期・青年期に方言使用が見られた 5 事例について}, volume = {11}, year = {2019} }