@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000426, author = {早川, 雅晴 and HAYAKAWA, Masaharu}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要 : 創立10周年記念号, Bulletin of Education and Health Science, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {実感の伴った理解を図る理科学習を実践するための基礎を築くことを目的として,教員養成課程の学生を対象に行っている野外実習の報告である。東京湾の最奥部に位置する三番瀬干潟で,五感を使った自然体験をさせることで,学生自らによる気付きを体験させることができた。また、そこで出会った生物について「比較」と「変化」の視点を意識して観察させることで,深い学びと興味関心の喚起に効果的であった。この経験により,将来理科教育の実践者として,自身の自然体験を基にした説得力を持った授業を行うことが期待できる。, This report is a record of the field practice, the purpose of which is for students of the teacher training course to gain understanding through actual feeling and thereby establishing basic knowledge for their study of science. Students were able to discover various things by natural experience using their five senses by oneself in the Sanban-se tideland located in the penetralia of Tokyo Bay. In addition, it was effective for deep learning and awakening of their interest by observing the creatures which they came across there, and while being conscious of the viewpoints of “comparison” and “change”. By this experience, the students should be able to teach science, in the future, with the persuasive power based on their own natural experience.}, pages = {73--82}, title = {教員養成課程の学生を対象とした干潟での自然体験プログラムの実践}, volume = {10}, year = {2018} }