@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000419, author = {松本, 敏治 and MATSUMOTO, Toshiharu and 菊地, 一文 and KIKUCHI, Kazufumi and 清野, 宏樹 and SEINO, Hiroki}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要 : 創立10周年記念号, Bulletin of Education and Health Science, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿の目的は,ASDのコミュニケーションの問題について意図の側面から理論的検討を加えることである。松本らは,青森県津軽地方の発達障害にかかわる人々の間に存在する「自閉症は津軽弁を話さない」という噂をきっかけに,ASD の方言使用の問題を検討してきた。調査の結果,ASD の方言不使用との印象が全国で認められる普遍的現象であること,および方言語彙の不使用が確認された。ASD に見られる方言の不使用については,幼児期においては意図理解の不全がその背景に存在し,より年長になっては他者との心理的距離の理解が難しいため共通語と方言の使い分けができていないとの解釈を導き出した。さらに,コミュニケーションにおける意図理解および意図の交換が果たす役割について言及し,方言不使用を含む ASD のコミュニケーションの問題を意図理解・調整・参照の側面から検討を加えることの重要性を指摘した。これらの指摘をうけて,1)意図の定義,2)意図の認知的実在:ミラーニューロン,3)意図理解・調整・参照の観点からコミュニケーションにおける意図の問題を整理する。, The purpose of this research was to conduct a theoretical study on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) communication problems from the aspect of intention. Matsumoto et al. studied the problem of ASD dialect use, triggered by rumors that “people with ASD do not use Tsugaru dialect” by experts in Tsugaru district, Aomori Prefecture. As a result, it was found that the image of dialect non-use in people with ASD was a nationwide phenomenon, with the non-use of the dialect vocabulary among them. Moreover, regarding the non-use of dialects in people with ASD, we interpreted the reason for this to be that it is difficult for them to learn the local dialects, which their families speak, in early childhood because of a failure to understand background intention, and they could not use standard Japanese and local dialects on appropriate occasions when becoming older, because of failure to fully understand the psychological distance with others. Furthermore, we focused on the role of intention understanding and the exchange of intentions in communication, and pointed out the importance of examining the problem in communication for people with ASD from the viewpoint of intention understanding, reference and adjustment. In this paper, based on these points, we organized the problems of intention in communication from the perspective of 1) intention definition, 2) cognitive reality of intention: mirror neurons, 3) intention understanding, intention reference and intention adjustment.}, pages = {9--20}, title = {ASD のコミュニケーションにおける意図の問題 : 意図理解・調整・参照}, volume = {10}, year = {2018} }