@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000389, author = {角, 友起 and KAKU, Yuki and 高松, 克守 and TAKAMATSU, Katsumori and 桑名, 俊一 and KUWANA, Shun-ichi}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {随意運動学習の成立には実施した運動の誤差情報のフィードバックが不可欠であるが,フィードバックのモダリティ(感覚種)と学習効果との関連についての研究は少ない。本研究では指先で物をつまむ力(ピンチ力)を発揮する運動を用い,運動誤差フィードバックを視覚および聴覚を用いて与えた場合の運動学習効果の差異について調べた。運動学習課題中は視覚および聴覚のいずれのフィードバック群においてもピンチ力に有意な変化が観察された。視覚によるフィードバック群では,学習課題終了後もピンチ力の変化が残存するいわゆるafter-effectが認められた。一方で聴覚フィードバック群ではafter-effectが見られず,運動学習が起こっていないことがわかった。この結果より,随意運動の目標を示す情報と誤差をフィードバックする情報のモダリティの同一性が運動学習成立に必須であることが示唆された。, Learning in voluntary movements is guided by sensory feedback that indicates movement error. In previous studies, many researchers have investigated the effects of timing, relative frequency and accuracy of feedback information about error on the efficiency of motor learning. However, less attention has been paid to the relationship between the modality of sensory feedback and learning success. In this study, we examined the influence of the feedback modality (visual or auditory) on learning in an isometric force control task. Subjects were instructed to rapidly pinch an isometric force transducer using their thumb and index fingers. In pre and post-learning phase, the pinching force and the target value were displayed on a PC screen for both visual feedback (VF) and auditory feedback (AF) groups. In the learning phase for the VE group, the display gain (displayed value / actual value) of the force was surreptitiously changed. For the AF group, subjects were blindfolded and received deceptive auditory feedback about their force. The subjects in both groups significantly altered their pinching force to reduce false movement error during the learning phase. In the post-learning phase, the force change remained in the VF group (after-effect). By contrast, no clear after-effect was observed in the AF group, which indicated that motor learning was not induced. These results may suggest that the plasticity in the neural system of the visually guided movement as in this study only could be induced by visual information about movement error., 14, KJ00010187259}, pages = {129--135}, title = {誤差フィールドバックのモダリティの違いによる運動学習効果の差異}, volume = {8}, year = {2016} }