@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000380, author = {植草, 一世 and UEKUSA, Kazuyo}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は,大学附属幼稚園における「インクルーシブ保育」の実現のための素材の可能性を検証した。多様な素材によって,子ども達が遊びに参加しやすくなるという考えのもとに,様々な素材を配置したいくつかのコーナーを用意した。その結果,子どもたちは,多様な素材を,特色のあるいくつかのコーナーに配置することで,自分が打ち込める場を見つけ,その中で,自分なりの活動を楽しむことができた。素材は子どもたちにとって大きな刺激剤となり,子どもの遊びの展開を促すことが分かった。また,大人も子どもの喜びに誘発され,方向性を見いだしていくことが分かった。また,子どもの活発な様子を共有することで,大学や大学附属幼稚園での豊かな素材活用や素材収集の活動が活性化されるという方向性を見いだすことができた。また,将来的には,子どもたちの喜びを分かち合うことで,大学,地域,幼稚園の素材を通じた協力・連携が可能ではないかという示唆が与えられた。, This paper outlines research on the potential for certain daily-used materials to realize effective, inclusive education for young children. Our hypothesis was that an abundant variety of daily-used materials would provide every child, with or without disabilities, with a good chance to play, making it easy to participate in and enjoy activities with other children, especially when they are distributed among several different kinds of separated play areas. We confirmed this hypothesis. We found each child was able to enjoy playing with his or her favorite materials in his or her favorite play area; each small play group was able to extend their favorite play space and interconnect with other play groups; each child was able to fully engage in the activity, enjoy it, and interrelate with other children. Teachers were also motivated by the activities and wanted to provide more abundant materials for their students. We considered the possibility that by sharing in the children’s joy with the daily-used materials, students of the university, parents and people in the area study about and provide children with more of these appropriate materials, and that these activities could encourage their cooperation for gathering and providing such materials for children., 5, KJ00010185819}, pages = {39--50}, title = {大学附属幼稚園における保育の質を高めるための取り組み : 子どもの遊びを活性化させるための素材活用}, volume = {8}, year = {2016} }