@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000350, author = {広瀬, 由紀 and HIROSE, Yuki and 太田, 俊己 and OTA, Toshiki}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,さまざまな子を含めた保育の方向性を検討するため,いわゆる「気になる」子の遊び場面や生活場面について,ICFを活用して評価を行い「活動と参加」の実際およびその環境因子について分析を行った。その結果,子どもの発達や状況に応じた「参加」の姿があること,ICFを用いることでインクルーシブ社会を目指す側面から保育実践の意味づけが可能となることを明らかにした。また,子どもの「参加」を支える促進要因に関しては,異年齢保育の持つ多様性がたぶんに関与していること,保育者の考え方と実践場面での関わりが影響を及ぼすことが示唆された。, In the study, we observed a young child with difficulty in communication from a standpoint of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), in order to clarify the future direction of inclusive childcare and the role of people around children with developmental disorders. By using the concepts of activity and participation in ICF, we searched both the characteristic of relation between the child and people around him and promoting factors for his participation in his class. As a result, we found that there can be the suitable form of participation which is fitted to the levels of children’s development and the situation in which children live and play. We also found that we can evaluate our childcare activity from the viewpoint of inclusive society. We suggest that promoting factors of participation are diversities of children in multiage class and the attitude of childcare workers., 8, KJ00009316939}, pages = {47--57}, title = {インクルーシブ保育における子どもの「参加」 : 国際生活機能分類(ICF)を活用し保育実践を考える}, volume = {6}, year = {2014} }