@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000348, author = {長谷川, 修治 and HASEGAWA, Shuji and 安藤, 則夫 and ANDO, Norio}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は,長谷川・安藤が開発した小学生向け英語学習用デジタル教材『太郎と花子のLet’s Learn English!』(2013)の詳細説明と試用実験による学習効果の検証を目的とした。詳細説明は,パソコンに映し出されるモニター画像を使って各種機能の説明を行った。また,必要に応じて補足説明をして詳細を報告した。試用実験は,無作為に抽出した小学校5・6年生合計6名に対して4回の授業を実施し,英語フレーズの学習を行った。記憶の残存状態を5つのフレーズで調査したところ,15分後では従来型(A方式)と新案型(B方式)で有意な差は無かった。しかし,4日後では新案型の方が記憶の残存状態が良く,検定結果は有意傾向であり,効果量は「大」であった。したがって,今回開発した教材は,従来の指導法より記憶に残るという点で,学習効果を期待できるのではないかと考えられた。そして,今後,規模を拡大した複数回の実験による検証が必要であることを確認した。, The purpose of this study was to present the contents and then verify the learning effects of the digitalized English teaching material, Taro and Hanako’s “Let’s Learn English!”(2013) developed by Hasegawa and Ando for elementary students. The presentation was performed by the use of the pictures shown on a computer screen, with supplementary explanation given according to necessity. The experimental verification was conducted by having 6 randomly selected fifth and sixth grade students learn English phrases during four English lessons. Tests performed 15 minutes after each lesson on the memorization of the 5 phrases presented during that particular lesson showed no significant difference between the traditional teaching style (method A) and the new style (method B). However, tests held 4 days after each of the first two lessons showed a strong tendency, with a large effect size, for the new style to be superior to the traditional one. Therefore, it was thought that the newly developed teaching material could have a more significant effect on the student’s memory retention, compared with the traditional style. It also confirmed the necessity for further verifications to be practiced on a larger scale in the near future., 6, KJ00009316899}, pages = {27--36}, title = {学習効果の高い小学生用英語教材の開発 : その詳細説明と試用実験による検証}, volume = {6}, year = {2014} }