@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000289, author = {小山内, 正博 and OSANAI, Masahiro}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)患者に対し,呼吸理学療法では姿勢改善のためのアプローチが行われるが,その効果については不明な点が多い。本稿では,COPD患者の姿勢と呼吸筋活動,呼吸機能,呼吸筋力,呼吸筋トレーニングに関する知見を整理した。結果,異なる肢位による呼吸機能への影響の報告で,主に吸気に着目したものであった。今後,呼出制限を主症状とするCOPD患者では,円背姿勢と呼気の関係を検討する必要があると考える。, In the field of respiratory physiotherapy there are several uncertainties about the effectiveness of posture improvement for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this review, I summarized the findings concerning the posture, pulmonary function, respiratory muscle activities, respiratory muscle strength, and training of respiratory muscles in COPD patients. Many studies have reported the activities and strength of respiratory muscles increased consistently in COPD patients. These changes in respiratory muscles may induce kyphosis which is a characteristic of COPD patients. Therefore, to make an effective program for the respiratory physiotherapy of COPD patients, it is required to clarify the relationship between the degree of both kiphosis and pulmonary f function., 13, KJ00008523479}, pages = {105--112}, title = {慢性閉塞性肺疾患患者の呼吸理学療法に関する課題}, volume = {3}, year = {2011} }