@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000282, author = {高野, 良子 and TAKANO, Yoshiko and 宮下, 裕一 and MIYASHITA, Yuichi}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は,近年漸増傾向にある少子社会における大学内保育施設の設置の現状について,データに基づき考察することを目的とした。その結果,(1)2010年4月現在,国公私立大学が設置する大学内保育施設は,52大学に72施設あった。設置年度については,「男女共同参画社会基本法」が施行された1999年以降,2003年制定の「次世代育成支援対策推進法」や2006年度の「女性研究者支援モデル育成事業」の開始とともに,この10年間で50施設増えていることがわかった。(2)設置年度では,大学内保育施設の先駆的役割を果した「パイオニア型」が,保育対象では「病児対応型」が,利用対象では「地域開放型」が,それぞれに特徴を有していた。(3)子育て支援を目に見える形で示すことができる大学内保育施設の存在は,大学のあらたな付加価値となるばかりか,大学の役割は「ゼロ歳からの教育の場」という発想の転換をもたらすことが示唆された。, This paper uses data to empirically show the current situation of on-campus child-care facilities, which have been gradually increasing in recent years, in the development of a childrearing environment in a society with a declining birthrate. The results were as follows. (1) As of April, 2010, 52 national, public, and private universities had opened 72 on-campus child-care facilities. In the ten years since the Basic Act for Gender-Equal Society came into force in 1999, together with the establishment of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children 2003 and the commencement of the Model Project to Support Childrearing by Female Researchers in fiscal year 2006, an additional 50 facilities have been opened. (2) During the fiscal years in which they were opened, the facilities were of the “pioneering” type, the users of child-care facilities were “sick children” and the target use was “regional opening-up.” (3) The presence of on-campus child-care facilities can visibly illustrate the advantages of childrearing support, resulting in the provision of new added-value by universities, but it will probably also bring about a change in thinking to where the university is perceived as “a place for education from age zero onwards.”, 6, KJ00008523199}, pages = {37--45}, title = {少子社会における親の子育て環境に関する研究(第1報) : 大学内保育施設の設置に着目して}, volume = {3}, year = {2011} }