@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000280, author = {安藤, 則夫 and ANDO, Norio}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本人の心理的特性である「敏感さ」から,日本人の精神的基盤の一つと考えられる神道の特徴を分析した。基本的には,「敏感さ」ゆえに,様々な身近な現象に対して霊性や神性を感じる。そのために多くの神性を感じる多神教的性質が現れたり,生命力を感じるといったアニミズム的な感じ方になると考えられる。 また,自然に感じることが主になり,意識的な信念の必要性を感じないために,無宗教的態度が現れる。抽象的な概念よりも,現世利益を追求するといった世俗的感じ方を重視する信仰も生まれた。不幸な死を遂げた者への恐れの感情から,怨霊思想が生まれ,先祖との感情的結び付きから,祖霊崇拝が生まれた。敏感さゆえに状況の変化に応じ霊性の感じ方も変わり,新しい神を生みだすことになったと考えられる。現実に感じられない神を努力して信じる一神教と違い,抽象的な展望を含まない世俗的感じ方に基づく神への信仰が日本人の宗教的態度の特徴と考えられた。, The features of Shinto, thought to be one of the spiritual bases of the Japanese mentality, are analyzed on the basis of “high sensitivity” (HS) a psychological characteristic of Japanese people. Basically, due to this HS, people feel many signs of spirits or gods in the natural phenomena around them, and this leads to polytheism and animistic worship. Also as HS provides people with abundant spiritual feelings, and no conscious belief in abstract existence is necessary for them, they have a tendency to adapt atheistic attitudes and make secular demands for benefits in the world. Because of HS, people feel fear of revengeful spirits which are caused by unfortunate deaths, and try to comfort them through worship. People feel emotional ties with the spirits of ancestors, worshipping them as well. Different from monotheists who effortfully believe in God with little sign in this world, Japanese people base their concepts of gods on worldly feelings to nature and daily life, which does not enable them to have abstract ways of belief. This is thought to be a characteristic of Japanese people toward faith., 4, KJ00008523119}, pages = {17--26}, title = {神道的信仰心の心理的分析 : 神の捉え方を心理学的に説明できるか}, volume = {3}, year = {2011} }