@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000266, author = {高野, 良子 and TAKANO, Yoshiko}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は,戦後初の女性公立小学校長の誕生を,34府県の地方紙がどのように報じたかについて,次の2点からの検討を試みた。(1)学校管理職は長い間男性の聖域となっていたが,女性の参入に対応し,どのような呼称が使われ,(2)私的領域はどう扱われたのか。その結果,呼称については,31府県35紙が,「女の校長」,「女校長」,「女子校長」,「婦人校長」を使用し,「女性」を校長に冠していたのは,3県5紙のみであった。 最も早く「女性校長」と表記した地方紙は『河北新報』であり,その宮城県は大正期に2人の女性校長を誕生させた女性校長登用の先進県であった。また,第一号は23府県で与真付きで報じられ,キャリアのみならず, 学歴や未既婚の状況などの私的領域にも踏み込んた詳細な略歴が記載されていた。戦後初の女性校長の誕生は,ニュースとしての社会的価値がいかに大きいものであったかをデータに基づき実証的に論じた。, The purpose of this paper was to study the manner in which the local newspapers in 34 prefectures reported the first cases in the postwar period of women being hired as public elementary school principals. Analysis of these newspapers revealed two major trends. Firstly, it showed that 35 newspapers in 31 prefectures had used “onnano,” “onna,” “joshi,” and “fujin” when referring to the female principals, and not “josei,” which was used in only 5 newspapers in 3 prefectures. In 23 prefectures articles on these women were accompanied by photos of the individuals, while there were also cases where not only career background, but also educational, marital and other private information was included. It was concluded, therefore, that the first postwar hiring of women as public elementary school principals was viewed at the time as newsworthy events., 7, KJ00008211059}, pages = {31--39}, title = {戦後初の女性公立小学校長の誕生 : 地方紙の取り上げ方に着目して}, volume = {2}, year = {2010} }