@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000023, author = {長谷川, 修治 and HASEGAWA, Shuji and 安藤, 則夫 and ANDO, Norio}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, UEKUSA-GAKUEN University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,小学校5・6年生向けに開発したデジタル英語教材が,パソコンによる個別学習により,小学校5年生のリスニング力と情意面に及ぼす効果を,習熟度別に検証することであった。そのため,公立小学校の5年生18名を対象に,事前テストとして実施したリスニングテストの平均値を基準に,欠損値となった1名を除き,上位群9名と下位群8名に分けた。1週間に2回の割合で合計5回の個別学習を行い,直後に事後テストを実施した結果,上位群ではリスニング力の変化はなかったが,下位群では成績が向上し5%水準で有意な差となった。情意面では,合計5回の個別学習直後に実施したアンケートから,本教材は英語の学習が楽しく勉強になるという点で上位群と下位群の差はなく,ともにポジティブな受け止め方をされていることが分かった。また,上位群はリスニング力の変化は生じなかったものの,学習事項が記憶に残るという点でも,本教材を支持する割合が高いことが確認された。, The purpose of this study was to verify the proficiency-dependent effects of individual learning with computer-based English teaching materials developed specifically for elementary school fifth and sixth graders. The individual learning was practiced five times in total, twice a week. The verification was carried out by examining the fifth graders’ listening comprehension proficiency in English and their affective reaction to English learning. In order to evaluate the listening comprehension proficiency in English, a pre-test was conducted before, and a post-test conducted after the individual learning. To assess the affective reaction, a post-questionnaire was administered after the individual instruction. The analysis was made dividing 17 participants into groups of 9 upper-level and 8 lower-level students, according to their score on the pre-test. The results revealed that this individual learning produces a significant improvement in the lower-level group’s comprehension in English. As for the affective reaction, it was proved that this individual learning is not only more interesting but also more educational than standard classroom instruction by an assistant language teacher (ALT) in both of the groups. Especially in the upper-level group, it was also shown that this learning is more effective for remembering English than the standard ALT-led class, although English listening comprehension is not improved.}, pages = {41--50}, title = {デジタル英語教材を使用した個別学習の習熟度別効果 : 小学校5年生のリスニング力と情意面について}, volume = {9}, year = {2017} }