@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000048, author = {千葉, 諭 and CHIBA, Satoshi}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, UEKUSA-GAKUEN University}, month = {Mar}, note = {要旨:本研究の目的は,スクワット動作における前後霸心位置の違いによる前脛骨筋の筋活動の変化を検討することであった。健常大学生17名を対象とし,スクワット動作における前脛骨筋,ヒラメ筋,大腿直筋の筋活動を計測した。スクワット動作はH心動揺計:上で重心位置を確認しながら,前方重心,.中間重心, 後方重心の3条件で実施した。前塍骨筋の筋活動は,前方重心と中間重心の間には差がみられなかったものの,前方重心および中聞童:心と比較し,後方童心で有意に増大した(p<0.01) 。ヒラメ筋および大腿直筋の筋活動は,熏心位置の違いによる差はみられなかった,,これらの結果から,スクワット動作において重心が後方へ移動することで,前脛骨筋が強く活動することが明らかとなった。ゆえに,前脛骨筋の筋活動は,特別な機器がなくとも,素早く簡便にスクワット動作時の後方重心を判断する指標となりうることが示唆された。, The purpose of this study was to investigate whether displacement of center of gravity causes tibialis anterior muscle activity change during a squat. The subjects were 17 healthy university students. Surface electromyographic measures of the tibialis anterior, the soleus, and the rectus femoris during squat were taken. Squats were performed under three conditions: anterior located center of gravity (A-COG), center located center of gravity (C-COG), and posterior located center of gravity (P-COG) in the sagittal plane with stabilometers. Muscle activity of the tibialis anterior muscle increased significantly at the P-COG compared to the A-COG or C-COG (p<0.01) although difference was not observed between A-COG and C-COG. Neither the soleus nor the rectus femoris muscles showed difference in the activity depending on the location of the COG. According to the results, it was clarified that only the tibialis anterior is strongly activated when the COG is posterior during squats. It was, therefore, concluded that muscle activity of the tibialis anterior can be a rapid and convenient index to evaluate the P-COG during a squat without special equipment such as a stabilometer., 9, uetdai-15_08_s_chiba.pdf}, pages = {75--80}, title = {後方重心位でのスクワット動作は前脛骨筋の筋活動を増大させる}, volume = {15}, year = {2023} }