@article{oai:uekusa.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000042, author = {渡邉, 章 and WATANABE, Akira}, journal = {植草学園大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, UEKUSA-GAKUEN University}, month = {Mar}, note = {肢体不自由のある子どもたちの中には, 認知に困難を示す子どもたちが含まれることが報告されてきた。一方, 学習障害のある子どもたちも, 認知の困難を示すことが報告されてきた。本稿では, 肢体不自由の子どもたちと学習障害の子どもたちとの認知の困難に関する研究報告を既観した。その結果, 肢体不自由のある子どもの認知特性については, 視知覚, 視覚―運動機能, 注意, 記憶, 問題解決に関する報告がみられた。また, 学習障害の子どもの認知特性については, 視知覚, 視覚-運動機能, 注意, 記憶, 問題解決に関する報告がみられた。これらの報告にみられる共通点と相違点について検討した。さらに, 筆者が関わった肢体不自由の子どもと学習障害の子どもへの支援事例について, 認知特性の共通点と相違点を検討した。最後に, 学習に困難を示す子どもたちの認知特性を理解し, 認知特性に対応した支援を行うことの有効性について考察した。, A number of studies have reported cognitive difficulties in children with physical disabilities, while others have reported the cognitive characteristics of children with learning disabilities. The author has reviewed and identified important studies on cognitive difficulties in children with physical disabilities as well as those learning disabilities. The relevant literature about cognitive characteristics in children with physical disabilities fell into the following categories:1) visual perception;2) visual-motor coordination; and 3) concept formation. The literature about cognitive characteristics of children with learning disabilities fell into the following categories:1) visual-motor coordination;3) attention;4) memory; and 5) problem solving. The author discussed common findings and different points between physical disabilities and learning disabilities. The author then examined two case studies in order to find similarities and differences: one, a child with physical disabilities and the other, a child with learning disabilities, from the viewpoint of common cognitive characteristics and uniqueness between the two cases. Finally, the author discussed the importance and usefulness of support that recognizes the cognitive characteristics of children who have cognitive difficulties., 4, KJ00008523899.pdf}, pages = {7--16}, title = {認知に困難のある子どもへの支援 : 肢体不自由の子どもと学習障害の子どもの比較}, volume = {4}, year = {2012} }